Y(our) life and y(our) reality is limited only by y(our) imagination
Imagination is often discussed as a fun thing.
A cute thing for children or
wasteful innovation or
This is not an accident. This is deliberate. This is how we keep people sedated, unaccountable, and controllable.
Imagination is the superpower of the giants who have created the world you live in today and call “reality.” Imagination is said to be silly and irrelevant by the people who are diligently following the orders of those with giant imaginations. Imaginations that are writing the cultural norms, system rules, and future trajectories you are experiencing today — from which they profit.
If you don’t exercise and understand your imagination, you cannot live consciously.
Other people — other people’s imaginations and the options they create for you — will rule your reality.
If you wake up and realize…
I don’t like who I am, what I do, my relationship with myself and others, my community, my nation, this situation…
The only way you can change it is if you have imagination — a really good imagination.
You have to be able to imagine
a better version of how you meet your resources needs,
a better version of your relationships,
a better version of your community,
a better version of the situation,
a better version of yourself.
If you can’t imagine it as a possibility, you can’t change it. If you can’t imagine things differently, you can’t do differently.
If you can’t use your imagination, you will always be controlled by the imagination of others who understand the power of imagination…
And you cannot live your life consciously.
Activating your imagination will help you to wake up to just how imagined your “reality” really is.
Conscious creation is about choice and self leadership. In order to choose, we have to see other options — other possibilities.
No imagination — no possibilities — no options — no conscious choices.
The experience of y(our) life will always be limited by y(our) own imaginative capabilities.
Stop shaming the imagination.
Stop trying to figure out what exactly it’s telling you.
Stop trying to make the unconscious behave like the conscious.
Start appreciating and nurturing it. Let the imagination wander and wash over you. Observe it with awe as it presents all kinds of beautiful, fearful and strange impossibles. This is the first step. Start here.